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Growth Insights Resources
Growth Insights Resources
About Rethinking Evangelism®




Outreach is Not a One-Time Event

Outreach is Not a One-Time Event

How does your church keep track of all the people who have attended one of your events, visited your website or contacted your church?

Find out why outreach can’t be treated as a one-time event.


Rethinking Evangelism®

We are passionate about helping churches grow, and we’d love to help yours too! Simply contact us to start the conversation

Small Steps, Big Results: Expand Your Church with Micro Evangelism

Small Steps, Big Results: Expand Your Church with Micro Evangelism

Don’t underestimate the power of a small stone. David hurled one to take down a giant. Ripples start with a pebble. Small actions can make huge...

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Rethinking The Way Churches Use Their Most Limited Resource

Rethinking The Way Churches Use Their Most Limited Resource

What’s our most limited resource? Time. That’s why churches need to rethink how they spend their time in evangelism. Thanks to technology, churches...

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How to Build a Text Messaging Strategy for Your Church

How to Build a Text Messaging Strategy for Your Church

Did you know 85% of churchgoers are willing to receive text messages from their church? With the many benefits for your church from texting, having a...

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