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Growth Insights Resources
Growth Insights Resources

From Invisible to Impactful: The Power of Branding for Church Outreach

From Invisible to Impactful: The Power of Branding for Church Outreach

We all know churches are about so much more than branding, but a comprehensive understanding of the concept is highly beneficial for growing your church.

Why is branding so important?

  • People have too many choices and too little time.
  • Most offerings have similar quality and features.
  • We tend to base our buying choices on trust.

Branding is not about manipulation. Branding ensures the community knows of your church’s amazing outreach and unique offerings.

Want to build trust and attract new members? Watch our video to discover the power of branding and the key ingredients for developing your church brand.

Rethinking Evangelism®

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Find Your Church’s AND: Discover the Ingredients for Transformative Outreach

Find Your Church’s AND: Discover the Ingredients for Transformative Outreach

Picture your church twice the size and buzzing with energy. Imagine that growth sparked by a single, innovative idea already within your walls....

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How Can You Invite 1,000 to Church With Just $5?

1 min read

How Can You Invite 1,000 to Church With Just $5?

Are you familiar with the phrases: “You have to pay to play” or “you get what you pay for”? These common sayings hold true when it comes to church...

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Small (Frequently) is THE NEW BIG in Church Evangelism

Small (Frequently) is THE NEW BIG in Church Evangelism

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